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tv   Wall Street Week  FOX Business  October 29, 2016 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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going to charge straight ahead. do you expect a different result this time than in july? >> well, you know, my sense of this, lou, is that if they're going to reopen the investigation, there's something pretty explosive that's changed. look, if they discovered more e-mails that are of the same caliber of the e-mails they had before, why reopen the investigation. this is me speculating right now. so the question becomes what do they find? do they find all sorts of classified material? remember, comey argued that the reason he wasn't going to prosecute is he couldn't show intentionality though the law didn't require that. maybe there's an e-mail that shows intentionality. who knows? they had to find something. if it's just more of the same, i don't see them reopening the investigation just for that. lou: primarily republicans on capitol hill have said that one of their great frustrations is there was no apparent reach by
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the fbi in original investigation into the public corruption case they think all of us see just screaming at investigators whomever they might be, of violation of public trust by the clinton cartel's foundation. it's the global initiative. my god. it is a cesspool of conflicts of interest that are in contravention of ethics of standards, and seems to me basic ethical requirements for a secretary of state. >> look, if you are going to find a government agency that's being run for the personal profit benefits of certain politicians, this is it. all you need to do is looking at the e-mails, look at the pattern of behavior that's come out in the podesta e-mails, it's very clear. doug band laid out how they make money for the clintons. how they merge the philanthropy, how the speaking fees come, and all you have to do is looking at doug band's
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e-mails to huma abedin saying the chinese luncheon, here are the four people i want you to add to the list. you're selling access, there's no other way. if you can't make a case in this instance, you are never going to make a case again going forward. i think it's that clear cut. lou: you know, podesta says and hillary clinton says let it all out. give us what you've got. we don't know what's going on. earlier talking with fred barnes and ed rollins. fred said, they do know what they've government. it's their e-mails! your reaction about what's likely to happen, will comey oblige or be a tough hardheaded investigation that produces a result? >> i think the problem is if it involves classified e-mails and john podesta and hillary clinton know this, they can't just release the information. it's classified. so i think they're actually calling for something that can't be done. my expectation is we're not
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going to hear much else on this case, at least for another couple of months because the fbi is going to try to play it safe. the problem is we have this thing called the national election and people want to sudden she going to face criminal charges? what is the culpability? what is the fbi going to do? my fear is we're not going to have any of those questions answered before election day and we're going to be left hanging well after. lou: it is also, i would assume your sense, as it is with everyone with whom i've spoken this evening, that the fbi and james comey in particular, would not have reopened this investigation without certain knowledge of the weight and the substance and seriousness of the evidence he has against the democratic nominee. >> i think that's exactly right. and look, you've got a lot of democrats screaming why did he disclose this? why did he disclose this? he had to. he has testified and communicated with congress and
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basically said the investigation is done. the investigation's not done. if he held this until after the election here, could be fairly criticized for perjury and misleading congress. so this was the right thing to do. i know democrats don't like it, but if he saved this until after the election here, would have been flat-out lying to congress about the status of a major fbi investigation, and you just can't do that. so i think he made the right decision and he did it because there's some very, very important material information in the e-mails. lou: very quickly, have you done very serious investigative work with the clinton cartel in particular. is it your sense that they are going to be brought to justice in this instance? >> you know, it's certainly my hope. you know, i think that there is a groundswell of support for that, but, look, the clintons never retreat, they never back down, they always plot ahead. they're like the mafia in that respect.
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anybody looking for them to step back or admit wrongdoing, it is not going to happen. you have to have fortitude in congress, i agree with tom fitton, you need an independent counsel investigating this, that's the only way you're going to get the questions answered. lou: peter schweizer, thanks for being with us, we appreciate it. >> thanks, lou. lou: fox news chief national correspondent ed henry, throughout the day, has been covering these developments. ed, good to have you with us. what can you tell us? >> reporter: an fbi source tells me the focus is on thousands of e-mails that were sent and received by huma abedin clinton's most senior aide. this source could not say whether or not the e-mails went back and forth with clinton and huma abedin or whether they were classified. those are the two questions that are going to have to be answered. senior law enforcement official adding to me tonight, the fbi feels like they were in an impossible position as you were laying out. they found a trove of e-mails
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connected to the anthony weiner case which brought them to the clinton case which had been shut down. if they waited until after the election, they would have been accused by holding back information voters needed. what's interesting is you know, these are the same democrats in the clinton camp who back in july when james comey decided not to press charges, not move forward with charges, were saying this is a paragon of virtue, james comey is nonpartisan, this is a great move. now they're saying this is the opposite. i think there are going to be republicans angry at james comey who are happy tonight but i think the bottom line is i'm left with two questions, one, how did the fbi, if they had such a thorough investigation of hillary clinton, how did they not search huma abedin's devices and home computer thoroughly before? and secondly, you heard hillary clinton at the news conference say i want all the facts out. the fbi should give us all the information. the american people deserve to know this.
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why did she keep her server secret for so long, lou? why didn't she turn over the e-mails for so long? why were 33,000 deleted? these are questions she cannot answer. lou: she's not about to answer for her own purposes and reasons. as we look at investigation right now, we know there's been great dissent within and great consternation and frustration on the part of agent balance that storied fbi. do you think part of this is motivated by trying to respond to that, on the part of james comey? >> well, it's impossible to know but if you stick to the facts as you are, it is a fact that fbi agents inside the building at the j. edgar hoover headquarters in washington and outside the building retired fbi agents are screaming and yelling in outrage that james
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comey said at the news conference in july that hillary clinton had mishandled classified information, and after that said, but i'm not going to press charges because i don't think any prosecutor would move forward. that left every agent baffled. he has been under great pressure since july to do something and maybe reverse it. maybe that's what motivated him. i don't know factually tonight. it's perilous for him if he's doing this largely because he's trying to make up for what he failed to do before. you heard donald trump say he wants justice whether it was done in july or now, let's get the facts, finally get them. lou: peter schweizer points out as well, though, without staring at whatever evidence he's in possession of, he would be in contempt of congress at the very least were he not come forward. there is a personal motivation on the part of the director, and he alludes to it in his
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letter to the congressman earlier and senators. ed henry, a terrific day's work, and we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me on. great to see you. lou: up next, the race for the white house wide open after today's dramatic developments. the reopening of the investigation of the clinton e-mail scandal. donald trump campaigning in may as the news broke, sounding very optimistic about his chances on november 8th. >> in 11 days, we're going to win the state of maine -- [cheers] and we are going to win back the white house. [cheers] . lou: he was pretty optimistic even before today's developments. charlie hurt, tammy bruce join me next as we take up trump's chances, the impact of the reopening of the clinton e-mail scandal investigation. we'll have much more in the way of news and developments on this extraordinary day. we're coming right back.
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stay with us.
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. lou: donald trump tonight will be holding a rally right there, at the battleground state of iowa. and according to the real clear politics average, he has a two-point lead in the state of iowa. you're looking at the mcgrath amphitheater in cedar rapids, iowa. we'll go there when the rally begins, we're told it will begin within this hour, don't hold me responsible for that. that's on him. he's been a little late today. joining me washington times staff writer, breitbart reporter charlie hurt, and fox news contributor tammy bruce. what do you make of the developments and while i've noticed some people have big, broad smiles on their faces, donald trump i thought had been relatively constrained today given what a positive this is
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for his campaign. >> he has been very steady i think for the last week. the last big news he got was the "fox news poll" a couple days ago which showed him doubling numbers with independents. so we've seen a trend for the last week that was already on his side despite everything being thrown at him. he was on the trajectory up, we have this kind of information, what's important now, of course, is for the next week, people want to see him being steady. he's got 11 days. if he does this, this entire dynamic has changed. lou: charlie, i thought he was very good today and the way he's handled himself and all of this. even as his supporters are, you know, applauding these developments, understandably. he has not fallen into what might be a trap spiking the football in any way being perceived to be gloating? >> i think that's the perfect description, spiking the football. he doesn't want to be caught doing that.
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and i thought that his remarks today, obviously he's always going to have fun with any time he's doing one of these events. and he had a lot of fun at this one today. but you know, and i think it is important, it helps him, helps the campaign to remember this is a serious issue, and while a lot of us are sitting around scratching our heads thinking, man, could anything more amazing come along in this endlessly amazing political race. lou: be careful, we've still got 11 days, charlie. >> i know, what's going to happen? it is important to remember these are very serious issues and it's a very serious thing, allegations we're talking about. we're talking about a criminal investigation. we're talking about lives that are in the balance here. this is serious stuff. and so i think he's very wise to have his fun with things, but to keep this serious.
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lou: i think, and i think you're exactly right, but i also believe very seriously that without today's events, this is an explosion, because it comes from the fbi director, reversing himself and his agency. taking a new tact and reopening this investigation. this is sort of an explosion in the consciousness of american voters, many of whom as i think we've all acknowledged, may not have been paying a the love attention, no matter how dramatic, how exciting, how interesting, how revolutionary this campaign has been. today, there's no choice, tammy, but to be paying very, very close attention. >> this is why i found it very strange when mrs. clinton said at her small press conference that people have made up their minds about the e-mails. no, not really. this is now going to be troubling for her that she's been covered so much in the sense of being protected by the media. they have not really discussed it at any length.
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if you are reliant on the legacy media, on the broadcast networks and people are now in the last couple of weeks, beginning to look seriously at this dynamic and what's happening. plus this is not really about the e-mails, is it? it's about cover-ups, it's about corruption, it's about not telling the truth. it's about the american people suddenly realizing again, wait a minute, has there been a different standard for her? and how many people have lied to us? that's what's at issue here, not the e-mails, it's about being trustworthy and not being a criminal. >> there still may be room for all of what you've described plus the e-mails, plus more. charlie, what are the prospects in your judgment as we read the letter from comey to congress? it looks like there's room here for a broad investigation of public corruption that does take into account the clinton foundation, the global
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initiative, her term as secretary of state, the conflicts of interest that compound and mount here in anything related to the clintons it seems. >> yeah, and it certainly keeps the campaign, this election coverage all about this issue, and all those issues you just listed, which is terrible for the clinton campaign. now, you watch out in the next couple of days, it will be interesting to see what kind of research gets dumped by the clinton campaign in serious ways on about donald trump or about james comey, about somebody else in order to change the election. but one of the things i think is so interesting is to go back into the summer, i think it was, maybe august, where donald trump was tweeting, doing his dangerous tweeting that everybody says is so unpresidential, which he pinpointed anthony weiner, the pervert and said -- lou: forgive me for interrupting.
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we have to happen those tweets and i want to read them because they are extraordinary in the insight, his prescience. he's a fortune-teller, for crying out loud. >> on top of everything else. lou: i want to point out, not this summer, this was in september of 2013. think about this. over three years ago. huma should dump the sicko weiner. he is a calamity that is bringing her down with him. you talk about prescience, charlie? prescience. let me go through these, and you please comment. it came out -- this was on the 3rd of august of last year. it came out that huma abedin knows about hillary's private illegal e-mails.
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huma's pr husband anthony weiner will tell the world, and this summer -- excuse me, also in august of last year. huma abedin, the top aide to hillary clinton and wife of perv, sleazebag, anthony weiner was a major security risk as a collector of info. perhaps not as fascinating as the bureaucratees that one would normally associate with assessments by intelligence organizations. i mean, donald trump nailed it, did he not, charlie? we have 15 seconds. >> not just the prescience but the kind of sleazy people that the clintons surround themselves by. that matters to voters. lou: tammy, last word? >> that's a finally things coming home to roost. who you hang out with. lack of judgment and what it ends up being. this is it. lou: charlie hurt, tammy bruce will rejoin us later in the broadcast. >> thanks, lou.
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lou: up next, the toughest sheriff in this country, joe arpaio. he has survived all of the most vicious attacks and he's going to be with us next. trump's rally coming up shortly as well. stay with us.
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. lou: joining me now, a great american, america's toughest sheriff, maricopa county sheriff, joe arpaio, seeking a seventh term in office. great to have you with us as always. first your reaction to the reversal of the fbi reopening the investigation into the clinton e-mail scandal. >> you know, i tell you i was a top law enforcement federal official, even through the watergate era, actually
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watergate was nothing when you compare it as to what's going on now. lou: donald trump said that, by the way today. >> well, you know, he'll be here tomorrow. i don't know. i'll be talking in his rally. lou: sheriff joe arpaio, earliest endorsers of the law and order candidate. you have been hit. this is storextraordinary and i think everyone will be fascinated given what's going on nationally. you have been finally charged after being threatened for some time with criminal contempt wednesday. the judge there signing an order, the federal judge, and the justice department coming after you, a misdemeanor charge as i understand it, is that right? >> yeah, you know, i mentioned before --
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>> all of it designed to interrupt an election by investigation of misdemeanors? >> yeah. i tell you, i mentioned before after a hundred days, holder and obama took office, they went after me. this is the same thing. eight years later, they come to court, the day before early voting, and it was supposed to be a status here and they leak out they're going to charge me and got another shot tuesday and said they did charge me. they got two headlines. lou: let me say this because i don't want to get you in trouble so i'm going to say it, i know you don't worry about trouble. tonight put it on me. the federal judge in this case bringing contempt against you, i think, is absolutely playing politics, and i think that judge ought to be ashamed. where do you stand in the race? >> well, first of all, we're appealing that judge, one day the truth is going to come out.
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i guarantee you. i can't talk about it. where i stand on the face, they're hitting me from all directions. george soros just gave $2 million to my opponent. lou: george who? >> soros. did i pronounce that write. lou: i don't care how you pronounce it. the fact is we don't care. george soros. >> over 2.5 million pumping into my race to help the opponent. lou: are the people of maricopa county sufficiently grateful for what you have done? are they going to stand behind you? >> after 24 years serving those people, i know they're going to back me up on this. i worked hard as a sheriff, that's the way it's going to be. lou: sheriff joe arpaio, and he's -- i'm going to say it outloud. he's the best sheriff in the country. good to have you with us, my friend. >> thank you, thank you. lou: up next, donald trump's running mate, i forgot to say
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hi to ava, the sheriff's great wife. anyway, running mate -- so hi, ava, sorry i forgot. mike pence is reacting to news the fbi is reopening the investigation into hillary clinton's private e-mail server. >> we commend the fbi for having the courage to reopen this case because no one is above the law. lou: no one should be, and perhaps that is one of the issues that's being fixed in this country. we're going to be talking about the mood of the agents, what this means within the fbi that's been assailed. and i have to say i've been immensely critical of the leadership of the fbi, but the agents in that great institution deserve all our respect and support. we're going to be talking with a former assistant director of the fbi in new york, bill gavin joins me next, as we await donald trump's speech from cedar rapids, iowa. we're coming right back.
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